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Library Home Page > 1st Generation (1983 to 1993) > Audio / CB
Radio Problems & Fixes
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Radio Problems

I am looking for anyone who knows about the inner workings of the Venture Royale radio/intercom unit. I have this problem with the part which increases the volume when you accelerate or there is other noise (such as a unmuffled Harley next to you). I thought it might be the microphone in the unit, but when I opened up the unit, I found an adjustable screw which controls something on the circuit board, but that is where my question lies. Does anyone know what that adjustment screw does????? Maybe it controls the sensativity of the auto volume??? If so , maybe that will solve my problem. Does anyone have a schematic for this control box????? Thanks...........Randy Chartier


According to my tech tips many problems arise from the connecting pins to the radio, Maybe if you check them (bent, lower than others, missing) that will help with the problem. Only other thing is to find the brand name and send to the manuf for a schematic. ..............Hank Yerger

Popping radio cruise control surging / radio popping problems: I installed a block of one inch thick polyethylene foam between the top of the radio and the top panel that houses the radio connectors (which limits the amount of bouncing the radio can do and secures the wires within the connectors). This immediately cured the radio popping problems, and two days later the cruise control surging problems mysteriously disappeared. .........Ken McCall

Common fixes for factory radio

I'm an electronics tech, and fixed several of these for friends and acquaintances. A couple of them have been simple like the following:
What seems to happen is that the bike is washed, or rained on without pulling the radio.  Moisture seeps past the buttons, (or the plastic led lense which does not appear to be sealed from the rain!!) water jumps one of the ccts and either shuts down the radio or won't lock onto a station.
Sometimes the led's don't work as they don't like the moisture either, and when moisture hit them, they become erratic not reading the station that's playing, in this case they generally have to be replaced or dried out and the lense sealed.
Now you've heard me spout off on poor grounds, the radio is one of them.  to fix this problem (I've had radios come is that the customer has completely disassembled with nothing wrong with them) One must remove the radio, and radio mounting then trace for a ground off the amplifier, often replacing the wire altogether as it is only 20guage and rerunning it to a more sucure frame loaction with 14 guage.  Naturally no ground, no go
The radio has to be dried out before it'll work again.............Jeff Amos

Fixing radio buttons

I had a problem with the buttons not working on my 86 Venture Royale's radio. Being the intrepid explorer I am, I took the thing apart and found it quite easy to fix. There are a number of very small four-legged buttons soldered to the circuit board that are easy to remove. The water seeping into the unit rusted the legs of the buttons until they just didn't contact the circuit board anymore.
Just go get a 'solder-sucker', a soldering iron, and some solder and you can fix it up lickety-split!  If you don't know how to solder, you should get a book on simple soldering.  The sucker is about the size of a soldering iron that uses a plunger-type mechanism to suddenly 'suck' hot solder into a chamber. It costs about five bucks and is made of plastic.
Basically, you heat up a leg of the button (NOT the board OR the solder) until the solder melts, and suck the solder away from the leg. Do that with all the legs and remove the button. Take one of the bad buttons to a comprehensive electronics parts store (NOT Radio Shack), show it to them, and they'll bring you a box with hundreds of those buttons in it (at least that's what they did for me). Pick out enough to replace your radio buttons and solder 'em back in.
One thing to remember is to NOT touch the circuit board with the soldering iron. Heat up the LEG of the button while holding the solder to the other side of the leg to melt the solder. You might want to practice this whole operation on an old radio or something first.
This procedure only took me one afternoon, $20, and the radio works like a charm! And I'm not that good at soldering!............ Bill Rehm


Last update: 10:26 AM Sunday, September 26, 2004

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