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Leaking Oil |
Author: Archives Views: 14190 Votes: 2 |
Oily HavocI just purchased 83 XVZ and I love it. My buddy has an 84 Royale which he overfilled with oil. He then rode about 600 miles at speeds often in the 80/90 mph range. We figured out what he had done after we noticed oil under his bike. Now the bike is running fine but the battery is not charging.The battery is good and will hold a charge from a remote charger. Could oil have blown on anything to cause this problem? Maybe the stata. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Frank Ouzts Savannah Ga.Answer 1 - Scott MacMartinI believe that these are two different problems. Overfilling this bike causes lots of oil to get up the pipe and into the carb area. There is an oil drain hose that will dump this onto the ground. If the bike will not get charged when running, then I would assume that it is the stator. This can be checked visually if you remove the cover, but is more easily checked if you follow the wiring to the johnson plug and measure the resistance across the three sets of wires. There is a wiring diagram with the color codes on the web site below.... .........Scott MacMartin Ottawa, Canada http://www.magma.ca/~macmarms/Answer 2 - Grant AzbellI also have an 83 XVZ and when I first got it I noticed oil leaking after a highway or interstate trip... looked everywhere... finally took out the plastic box that the crankcase vent tube connects to, that the air filter goes in... cleaned it...looked it over real, real close and found a hairline crack that would let oil, from the crank case, leak out of... it was really hard to find... when the bike was real hot I could see oil on the bottom of the box... but could not find the crack.... it would not leak water, but would leak oil when it was hot..happened to be in a seam... I replaced the box and the bike has been dry as a bone ever since... cant remember what the box cost.. seems like around $60 from the dealer... but it was well worth it... and it doesnt matter if I over fill the crankcase or not anymore..... also I had a little problem with the battery holding a charge.. (the indicator works fine) but when the bike got hot after a long trip it would be hard to start sounding like a low battery... I found out there was a recall on that alt. but I have alot of lights on my bike and I just added a smaller battery in the right hand compartment of my fareing and wired it to my other battery and now it starts and charges like a dream...Ive put about 20 k on it since then.. Grant WGA@aol.com Answer 3 - Neil86 For those of you with early Ventures that had the air box drain hose that went to the ground, Yamaha did a design change and issued a tech bulletin. Basically to tee the drain hose back into the breather hose so that oil could eventually drip back down the breather to the crankcase. Here is the fix...
Last update: 10:17 PM Monday, February 7, 2005 |
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