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Library Home Page > 2nd Generation (1999 to current) > Body & Chassis
RSV Riders Seat Mounting Bolt/Nut Size & Options
  Author: Forum Discussion / TAC
  Views: 10407     Votes: 2

The nuts that mount the riders seat on the RSV are a commonly lost item. The tool size needed to remove or install the OE nuts is a 10mm wrench or socket. When looking for replacement nuts, the thread size is 6mm X 1.0 thread pitch.

Exact replacements are available from Yamaha, or you can find standard 6mm X 1.0 nuts at any decent hardware or automotive store. The OE nuts are longer than standard nuts. "Coupling nuts" are longer and very similar to the OE nuts, if you can find them at your hardware store. The extra length makes removal and installation easier.

Some riders have used "nylock" nuts to lessen the chance of losing them again. Others have used wing nuts to aid in removal without having to use tools.

When installing the seat, be very careful not to over-tighten the nuts. The mounting studs are easily broken.

Last update: 11:18 AM Saturday, April 26, 2008

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