You can easily make your own quick removal bolt set for your saddlebags. No tools needed to remove the bags for service or cleaning.
Parts needed for 1-bike are 6 ea. M6X36 and 2 ea. M6X55 socket head cap screws with 1.0 thread pitch. The t-cap heads can be ordered from and the item number is SLK-1200. If you want to see the screws the item # are brb-532086p and brb-532094p and there is a limit of 100 each on the bolts, but not on the plastic T-heads. I was able to find my cap screws locally and I didn't have to buy more then I needed. Check with your local hardware store, Lowe's or Home Depot. Just press the T-Caps onto the bolt heads in a vice or small press. I used a drill press to push them in. Also thanks go to Gunny (Butch) for his help to me......Ken
The bolts and T-Caps

I placed a larger nut over the bolt to rest the bolt head against while pressing the caps on.

Pressing the parts together.

The finished product ready to install.

Another option and source from AC03:
I finally looked at the article on replacing the Allen head bolts with the quicker system described in the Library for removing saddlebags.
The parts required are noted to be available on line, but the caps require a large purchase.
I got the following parts from my local Fastenal store; they had to order, but got them in two days.
(6) Stainless socket head bolts M6x35 SHCS A-4 p/n MS2550035A40000 $.56 ea
(2) Stainless socket head bolts M6x55 SHCS A-4 p/n MS2550055A40000 $.87 ea
(8) M6x26mm Knurled Knob p/n 11102954 $.38 ea
Total for parts: $8.67 after tax
I used my bench anvil to press the caps on; just be careful to not push too far, or you'll start to bulge the face of the cap.
These are not the "wing" nuts, as I did not want the wings to catch on anyting on the top bolts (bottom ones are under the saddlebag pad). They fit neatly and are large enough to get a grip with fingers. First ones we tried were smaller and would have been harder for my (older) fingers to grip.
I also put a dab of silicone sealer on the washers and rubber grommets so they don't fall out every time I remove the bags.
These still are not as quick to remove as the 1/4 turn HD system. But it does prevent needing to find the right sized Allen wrench.
Hope this helps.
Last update: 06:51 PM Saturday, June 4, 2011