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Library Home Page > 2nd Generation (1999 to current) > Engine
Oil Change Tutorial
  Author: Peter Behm
  Views: 52480     Votes: 51

First off, round up a few of the essentials that you will need.

17mm wrench or socket
Your favorite oil and filter
Drain pan
Next step is to make sure the engine is good and warm before you drain the old oil out.
Place your drain pan underneath the engine and remove the drain bolt with your 17mm wrench.
While this is draining you can also remove your old filter. Make sure the surface that the oil filters o ring seats against is clean.
I do all of this with the bike on the sidestand. If you want you can get on the bike now and hold it vertical to try to get some more oil out of the oil pan. 
Apply a light coat of oil to the o ring on the new filter.
Make sure the o ring is on the filter correctly and install the new filter. I normally just tighten until it's snug by hand. The book says 12 ft. lbs.
When you are satisfied that you have all the old oil out that you are going to get out you can replace the drain bolt on the bottom of the engine. Again, make sure the surface is clean. I tighten it up until snug but Yamaha says 31 ft. lbs.  If your drain bolt washer is damaged and needs replacing the part # is 214-11198-01-00 "Gasket".
Now that the new filter is on and the drain bolt installed it's time to fill it up with oil.  Remove the filler cap and place your funnel in the hole and add your oil.
The book says 3.9 quarts with a filter and oil change. You cannot get all the oil out when doing a regular oil change so don't be concerned about it not holding that much. I install 3 quarts in mine and call it good. This places my oil level right in the middle of the sight glass. The oil level needs to be checked with the bike straight up and down and not leaning on the side stand. I usually get another set of eyes to double check where it's at for me. Another option is using an inspection mirror while sitting on the bike.
I leave it at this level as it helps prevent oil being blown through the crankcase breather and into the airbox where it will leak out. The two spots where it likes to come out at are the left airbox drain hose underneath the bike and also the left rear carb boot. It picks these two as this is where the oil drains to when the bike is on the side stand.
After installing the fill cap, start the bike up and check for leaks. After shutting the bike off, let it sit for a few minutes and check your oil level again (bike straight up and down) as the oil filter will take some oil and this will lower the oil in the sight glass a touch. 
You're now set for several thousand miles of riding!

Last update: 06:15 AM Tuesday, February 8, 2005

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